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obstacle avoiding robot using arduino inTelugu

hey guys welcome to meworkstelugu in this we know about how to make a obstacle avoiding robot using Arduino

making video:

watch the below video to batter understand to do this project.

Object Following Robot components :

amazon links :
  • Arduino                          BuyNow 
  • L298N Motor driver      BuyNow  
  • ultrasonic sensor            BuyNow 
quartaz components links:  
  • Arduino                          BuyNow 
  • L298N Motor driver      BuyNow  
  • ultrasonic sensor            BuyNow 
  • Breadboard and wires    BuyNow


If you want to buy Arduino components, I am giving my affiliate links. If you buy the components using my affiliate links, it will help to our channel and website growth. so do these small help.

obstacle avoiding robot circuit diagram:

connect the all the components as show in below circuit.

obstacle avoiding robot code : 

int trigPin = 2;      // trig pin of HC-SR04
int echoPin = 3;     // Echo pin of HC-SR04

int revleft4 = 8;       //REVerse motion of Left motor
int fwdleft5 = 9;       //ForWarD motion of Left motor
int revright6 = 10;      //REVerse motion of Right motor
int fwdright7 = 11;      //ForWarD motion of Right motor

long duration, distance;

void setup() {
  delay(random(500,2000));   // delay for random time
  pinMode(revleft4, OUTPUT);      // set Motor pins as output
  pinMode(fwdleft5, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(revright6, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(fwdright7, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);         // set trig pin as output
  pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);          //set echo pin as input to capture reflected waves

void loop() {

  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);     // send waves for 10 us
  duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH); // receive reflected waves
  distance = duration / 58.2;   // convert to distance
    // If you dont get proper movements of your robot then alter the pin numbers
  if (distance > 19)            
    digitalWrite(fwdright7, LOW);                    // move forward
    digitalWrite(revright6, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(fwdleft5, HIGH);                                
    digitalWrite(revleft4, LOW);                                                       

  if (distance < 18)
    digitalWrite(fwdright7, LOW);  //Stop                
    digitalWrite(revright6, LOW);
    digitalWrite(fwdleft5, LOW);                                
    digitalWrite(revleft4, LOW);
    digitalWrite(fwdright7, LOW);      //movebackword         
    digitalWrite(revright6, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(fwdleft5, LOW);                                
    digitalWrite(revleft4, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(fwdright7, LOW);  //Stop                
    digitalWrite(revright6, LOW);
    digitalWrite(fwdleft5, LOW);                                
    digitalWrite(revleft4, LOW);  
    digitalWrite(fwdright7, HIGH);       
    digitalWrite(revright6, LOW);   
    digitalWrite(revleft4, HIGH);                                 
    digitalWrite(fwdleft5, LOW);  


If you have any doubts regarding to this project, contact me on Instagram or comment on YouTube video. I will help with my best.

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