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Color shorting machine(Black and White) using Arduino in Telugu

in this section we learn about how to make a Color sorting machine (Black and white) using Arduino and IR Sensor and also learn about how this Color sorting machine works  . 

making video:


This Color sorting machine works based on the IR sensor  . We know this IR sensor detects the colors black and white. When a Black color object is near to this IR sensor, then servo motor passes that Black object on one side the same thing happens to the white color as well . These two colors are short by opposite to each other. 


follow the below process to make this project . 

  • Arduino                            BuyNow
  • IR sensor                          BuyNow
  • Servo                               BuyNow
  • breadboard and Wires     BuyNow
these are the components required to make this Color shorting machine project.

If you want to buy Arduino components, I am giving my affiliate links. If you buy the components using my affiliate links, it will help to our channel and website growth. so do these small help.

circuit diagram:

connect that all the components as shown in the below circuit diagram

then after connect that all components upload the below program to Arduino 

code :

#include <Servo.h>
Servo myservo;  
#define sensor 7
int sensorstate;

void setup() {
 pinMode(sensor, INPUT);
 pinMode(13, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
 if(digitalRead(sensor) == HIGH){
 else if(digitalRead(sensor) == LOW){
   digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
   digitalWrite(13, LOW);
if you have any doubts regarding to this project, contact me on Instagram or comment on YouTube video. I will help my best.

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